Monday, February 20, 2012

Chapter 18 - The Roof and the Second Sliding Window to the Vestibule

Like having two left feet....
Sawing off a bit did the trick (I hope)
February 17 - 18th 2012   

I pulled out all the pieces to make the second half of the Fuji window.  These two pieces had to slide into the back portion of the previously mounted piece.  They were a little tight but they came out fine and look nice too.

The roof of the vestibule was pretty easy till I got to the bit that covers the stairwell opening.  It seems they gave me two part 4’s so, I had to saw the part to fit into the stairwell.  I have a small bit which is leftover just in case once the stairs are fitted in, the space is too obvious for my liking. 

The finished ceiling slid in without difficulty which was pretty shocking considering how far off the below wall pieces are actually fitted.  Hopefully, as I build upwards, it’ll even out.
I may end up with a three story earthquake hit boarding house!

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